WYSSU™ Global
Leadership Development
Leadership is Influence
Wake Your Successful Self Up™ Global is a subsidiary of WYSSU™ Enterprises, whose mission is to promote individuals' career development at every organization level. We assist organizations in creating a leadership culture that identifies, empowers, and equips high performing individuals with the tools needed to increase an organizations' capacity to innovate amid a continually changing and complex business landscape.
High-performing individuals exist in all seven mountains of influence. Yet, two-thirds leave their spheres of influence due to the lack of training and advancement opportunities. Wake Your Successful Self Up™️ bridges the gap between engagement and retention. We recognize effective succession planning starts with cultivating individuals from among their ranks. Our leadership development programs take on various forms, from one-on-one coaching, workshops, speaking, and or individual mentoring.

The 7 Wells of Success is a blueprint for obtaining success in every area of your life. This program is designed to give you the strategy and systems you need to walk through the seven most valuable life areas required to thrive and live in a successful place.

Wake Your Successful Self-Up™ is a program that emphasizes a growth mindset. This blueprint will push individuals to pursue their Purpose, Passion, and Potential while become a Better Version of Themselves.

Protect the Boss, Protect the Business, Protect the Brand, (Entrepreneurs and those in positions of Leadership) is a global alliance of leadership experts designed to radically transform an organizations' approach to engaging high potentials.
Entrepreneurs- it serves as a blueprint for structuring your business operations to ensure aspects such as your Brand (intellectual property, copyrights, and designs) are protected, allowing you to focus on growing your business.