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The Prophetic Scribe Master Class
SKU 00014
Product Details
No matter where you are with your writing, whether you’ve published or just beginning, I will help you take your writing to places you’ve never seen before. I will show you the process I use to hear and see deeper to generate words that speak to the core of those that are assigned to your voice.
This 4 week class will begin on (Thursday, February 9th). If you are genuinely committed to enhancing your gift to mastering prophetic scribing, I am going to take you step by step in my personal process that has enabled me to pen 8 published books and scribe prophetically. You learn about the power of tone, the importance of timing, the power of investing and the benefits of all three as it relates to scribing. You will also learn how to understand dreams and interpret them with precision. Prepare to SEE, HEAR and SCRIBE with accuracy.
What You Will Learn:
* Mastering The Prophetic
* Basics of Dream Interpretation (History, Types and How To Steward Dreams)
* Prophetic Scribing (The Art and Skill of Hearing and Seeing)
Dr. Felix Anderson
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The Prophetic Scribe Master Class
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